Tuesday, March 28, 2017

We are visitors on this planet earth

No one has come on this planet earth who lives forever. We have to leave this earth after we complete our lifespan. We did not bring anything with us when we were born. In the same fashion, when we leave this earth, we have to leave everything.  Have you seen anybody taking anything when leaving this earth? We can’t even take a blade of grass with us. What is the need to hoard much more than our need? You must have heard this quote ''we came to the world with empty hands and we leave the world with empty hands". That is the reality. Whatever we have earned during our lifetime, we have to leave here. We are trustees of things which we have acquired during our lifespan.

We are visitor on this earth for the duration between point A and point B. Compared to eternity, our average lifespan of 80 years or so is negligible. Everything in the world is impermanent. Many of us are caught up in small things which do not matter in a long run. We waste precious time and energy pursuing those little things. If we keep in mind the reality of point B, we will let go those small things. Time is going so fast. Yesterday has gone. Morning has gone. This second has gone. Seeing that everything is going, let go all worries, anxieties, anger, hatred, jealousy, greed, etc. This will help us live life peacefully. We are visitor on this earth for a limited time.  Let us utilize this time effectively and make choices wisely in life which leads to happiness. 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Last Three Wishes of Alexander the Great

I was inspired by this story a lot. Let us learn three lessons which the below story offers:-
Alexander, while returning home after conquering many kingdoms fell mortally ill. While lying on his deathbed, he realized the worthlessness of his vast hoard of gold, silver, and jewels, accumulated through his conquests with his sharp sword and his mighty army.
He longed to reach home. He wanted to have a last look at his mother’s face before departing from this mortal world. But, he knew that his sinking health would not let him reach his distant homeland. He called his generals and said, “I will depart from this world soon, I have three wishes, please carry them out without fail.”
With tears flowing down their cheeks, the generals agreed to abide by their king’s last wishes.
“My first wish is that my physicians alone must carry my coffin,” said Alexander.
After a pause, the king continued, “For my second wish is I want the path leading to my grave be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which are in my treasury while my body is being carried to be buried.
The dying king continued, “My third and last wish is that both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin.”
Though the generals wondered at the king’s strange wishes, no one dared to question or ask him the reason for these three wishes.
Alexander’s favorite general kissed his hand and pressed them to his heart. “O king, we assure you that your wishes will all be fulfilled. But tell us why do you make such strange wishes?”
At this Alexander took a deep breath and said:
“I would like the world to know of these three fundamentals:
I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that no doctor can really cure anybody. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of death.
My second wish to strew gold, silver, and other precious stones on the way to the graveyard is to let the people know that though I spent all my life accumulating riches, not even a grain of gold will come with me when I leave this world. I want people to understand that it is a sheer waste of time to chase wealth.
With my third wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin, I want people to know that I came empty handed into this world and likewise will go empty handed from this world.”
With these words, the king closed his eyes. Soon he let death conquer him and breathed his last. . . .

Thursday, March 23, 2017

About "Mistake"

I found this sentence in my diary and thought of sharing with you all. I do not know who the original author is. I offer my gratitude to him/her for such a thoughtful sentence -

A mistake is not a mistake if you learn from it.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Trees – Embodiment of endurance and giving

Let us take a few moments to contemplate on how much trees endure and give unconditionally. They endure bitter cold, hot weather, severe storms, fierce winds, heavy rains, etc. They can’t run and hide themselves inside houses when they are faced with such conditions. Not only do they endure, but they give so many things like shade, wood, fruits/nuts, shelter for birds and animals. They also beautify the landscape. We use wood for building furniture and constructing houses. Trees help prevent soil erosion with their deep roots. They give us oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the air to maintain a healthy atmosphere. Dry branches are used for cooking and heating in many parts of the world. We can even use dry leaves as fertilizer for our lawns and gardens after composting them. There are special trees like rubber tree which are used to make natural rubber. Eucalyptus tree is used for eucalyptus oil which has medicinal value. You must have heard about the beauty of cherry blossoms. Can you believe some Sequoia trees are found to be 3,500 old? Do you know that cork, which is used as a stopper for a wine bottle, comes from the bark of the Cork Oak tree? Another tree worth mentioning is the coconut tree. Coconut oil which is extracted from the flesh of coconuts is good for skin and hair. Coconut water which is found inside a young green coconut is full of health benefits.  There are so many other uses of trees which are impossible to narrate them all here. Trees don’t ask for money or appreciation in return.

Can we imagine our lives without fruits? Sometimes we get arrogant and think we have money and we can buy anything. What about if we have money and there are no fruits to buy? For the sake of emphasis, let me list fruits which I have eaten in my lifetime – apple, banana, blackberries, blueberries, figs, guava, grapes, grapefruits, kiwi, mango, melons, papaya, pear, pineapple, oranges, and strawberries. I can’t imagine my life without these juicy tasty fruits.

Can you imagine this earth without trees? How will the landscape look without them? The earth will look so barren. There will be many more severe dust storms. We will lose a lot of top soil due to erosion. Trees are very important for our sustenance. Let us not take them for granted. Protect each tree like a valuable treasure.

Let us learn the value of endurance from trees when we are faced with difficulties in life. O trees of the world! we always took from you and never even bothered to say thank you. We learnt two things from you – the value of endurance and giving. We thank you for teaching us these two values.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

O Wind - I offer my gratitude to you

I was looking outside the window of a room and saw flags flying beautifully. But I realized that those flags were flying not because of themselves but because of the wind. Without the wind, they will lie lifeless. The wind had given life to the flags.  We need to appreciate this beautiful gift of nature which is given to us at no cost. Don’t we take the wind for granted?

Some of the gadgets like windmills, wind chimes, hot air balloons, parachutes, etc. will not work without the wind. We will not be able to enjoy beautiful scenes like the swinging of branches of trees, dancing of grass and blowing of dry leaves without the wind. We won’t be able to enjoy flying kites or sailing of boats on rivers/sea without the wind. Doesn't the cool breeze feel good on a hot and humid day? We will be deprived of this sensation without wind. We do not even realize how everything outside will become static and the environment will look so eerie.

So, guys, next time when you go out, feel the wind on your skin. Many times, we are so much caught up in our thoughts, that we don't realize the presence of the wind. Come back to the present moment, observe moving things around you and enjoy and appreciate this gift.

But let us talk about the other side of wind also. The wind which is so pleasant to the skin when it blows gently can cause so much havoc and destruction when it blows fiercely. It can uproot houses, trees, break down power lines and even take away lives. Maybe, the wind is trying to tell us that “I am not just a silent and meek witness but have the potential to destroy many things.”  So please respect nature. Follow rules in life which nurture nature. Let us not take this wind for granted. Be aware of this free and precious gift. Enjoy! 

Listed below are some of the YouTube videos showing the presence of wind:

The Wind in the Corn

Wheat field blowing in the wind

18 Minutes of Wind Blowing through Trees:

Grass moving in the Wind:

10 Incredible Wind Power Facts: 

O wind, you have given so much to us. I offer my gratitude to you.