Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Random Thoughts/quotes

- Talk little, talk sweet, talk only when there is pressing need to only those to whom you must. Do not shout or raise your voice in anger or in excitement.

- Anger makes your mouth works faster than your mind.

- Manage yourself first then you will be able to manage others.

- In desires, we live a life full of desires and not happiness.

- The whole game of life depends on how well we are able to control our minds.

- If it is not good, then don't think it or say it.

- Send thoughts of love towards other people. Speak words of encouragement to them.

- As you begin to think loving thoughts about people, you will find them behaving in a more loving manner. Thoughts and words are containers for carrying creative or destructive power.

- Develop a thankful mind.

- Be thankful at all times.

- Be a grateful person - one filled with gratitude, not only towards God, but also towards people. When someone does something nice for you, let him know that you appreciate it.

- A sure way to lose something is not to appreciate it.

- Meditate daily on all things you have to be thankful for.

- That person is wise who learns from others experiences,
   that person is ordinary who learns from his own experiences, and
   and that person is a fool who does not learn from either.

- In meeting resistance, you will build your strength. if you only do what is easy, you will always remain weak.

- To see a lit lamp, we don't need any other lamp because it is self luminous. Similarly,we use intellect to know other things, but not to know our true Self, True Self is self revealing.