Monday, February 13, 2017

Discipline of the “Organ of Speech“

We, the human beings are endowed with a beautiful instrument, the “Organ of Speech”. Animals do not have this instrument. They can only produce a few sounds. So many of us do not realize how fortunate we are to have this ability to communicate with others using the vocal chords, and the words of so many languages.
Four Parameters
Before we speak, we should make sure that
1. It is truth.
2. It does not cause any agitation to others.
3. It is beneficial to others.
4. It is pleasing to others.
That means we cannot speak the truth which is unpleasant or speak untruth which is pleasant.  Of course, there are some exceptions to these rules. A doctor might have to give bad news (which is truth) to the relatives of a patient. That is alright. He is just doing his duty. As a general rule, we should try to follow these four factors in our conversations with our spouses, children, friends or colleagues.
We should use this instrument with a lot of discipline. The same instrument can either produce havoc in someone's life or it can produce comfort/inspiration/peace in the other’s life.  So much agony can be avoided simply by following the above listed parameters while speaking. So many families have been broken in this world because of uncontrolled talking. Verbal wounds leave deep scars in the heart and take much longer to heal as compared to physical wounds.
If you think you are out of control, very agitated or very angry, or you are in a company of an agitated person, the best thing to do is to remain totally silent. Silence is the best antidote. Totally refrain yourself from speaking a single syllable under these situations. This will prevent a lot of misery in the future. Swallow your pride, your ego, drink water and leave the scene. In anger, whatever you will speak will cause further agitation, further turmoil. You must have heard these phrases “Silence is golden” or “One silent person can win against 100 people”. We need to use this speaking power very judiciously.  We should use the speech in a very measured way. We should not fritter away our mental energy by gossiping or unnecessary talking which has no relevance. We should only talk purposefully, with kindness, with minimum words and mean what we say. This avoids a lot of disputes between two people. Sometimes we just argue to prove our superiority over the other person. This ego based talking should be totally avoided. It just brings bitterness in the other person.
We have enough violence in this world. If we can’t reduce it, at least we should try not to increase it. We can do this by refraining ourselves from using harsh or false language at homes or anywhere in the world. When we are abusing words, then we are creating disturbance in other people’s mind, we are creating verbal violence. It is very difficult not to talk when your mind is so eager to talk. It will generate a lot of heat in you. But this is the time to test your patience and perseverance and endurance and not succumb to the desires of your mind. You will show a tremendous sign of self-control. It is very important to have this self-control. We are trying to become self-disciplined human beings who are compassionate towards other human beings. We need this self-discipline of speech to become a better human being. With practice, it will become our nature. That is what we should strive to become.
We are trying to remove even a slightest trace of violence from our system. By using our speech wisely, we are treading the righteous path of non-violence.
Let us take a vow today that we will use this organ of speech judiciously. By doing this, we are contributing towards a violence-free world. Thanks.

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